White Peaches
White Peach
I wasn't aware of white peaches until about 10 years ago when I started selling my jewelry at the farmer's market in Elmira, and one of my fellow vendors was an apple and peach grower from northern Pennsylanvia. I couldn't wait until her white peaches were ripe. They were amazing. They are one of the things I miss about selling jewelry at Wisner market.
Now I have found a Mennonite farm along Pre-Emption road on the way to Geneva to get my annual fix. It was raining last week when I stopped, so the peaches were protected with plastic.
The first year I found them, I didn't make it very far down the road before I had to pull over and bite into one. And of course, it dripped down the front of me. They are impossible to eat without making a mess because they are so juicy!
Now I wait until I get home to cut one up in slices like an apple. They are large, about the size of my fist, and have whiter flesh than a traditional peach. They are also firmer than a regular peach, yet ultra juicy. They bruise easily and the season is short, which is why I hear they don't appear in the grocery stores very much. But if you are lucky enough to see them in your market, buy some!